The traditional village tour is an excellent opportunity to experience the Sri Lankan countryside. To begin with, hop on a bullock cart or a land master tractor which will carry you to the interior of the rural village passing paddy fields and vegetable cultivations. Once you arrive at the shore of a tank, board the catamarans which will take you on a relaxed cruise over the lotus covered waters. With hats made of lotus leaves – courtesy of your tour guide, proceed to a traditional village house where you will be welcomed to experience how Sri Lankan food was traditionally prepared. Learn how to use the traditional kitchen equipment such as the Wangediya and Mol Gaha (Mortar and Pestle), the Hiramanaya (Coconut Scraper), the Indiappa Wangediya and Thattu (String Hopper Press and Mats), the Miris Gala (Grinding Stones) and Kurahan Gala (finger millet stone) etc. Then enjoy a traditional Sri Lankan lunch served in clay pots or lotus leaves especially for you. After lunch, enjoy a Tuk-Tuk ride to your drop off location concluding your authentic rural experience.